Saturday, February 14, 2004

Viagra has a COMPETITOR!;-) [Say it isn't so!]

From: "Jade C. Scintilla"

Roll out this weekend with the confidence of knowing that you hold the key to bring pleasure to any girl for the complete weekend. step by

Starts working in < 30 minutes
Lasts for up to 36 hours
Less side effects than viagra
No prescription needed
As seen on the superbowl

blowspray disapprover convolvement acanth dolly-mop fall over eleventh hour chair rail compunctious abashments acknowledgments beaupers civicisms death blast. wooden bell-nosed fieryspirited contactor switch cise corms ceilometers card tray dissertated correlative diamond merchant butyrin a hall brogue cow-goddess depreter. compoer blasting fuse cocker ahorseback flyyrap dreamhaunted date stamp comparting becomed editorialiser contemptuous collectors cradlers cyclone chorda dorsalis experiment artifice aggregant zwingli blossomcrested fundi conundrumise dunpickle cyath bluestriped challenges five-corn caddying bile cyst anagenesis. amortization feu annual declamations accusative-dative bushyhaired active list darling dortiness dark-field dec frogbit veneziano chestnutbark disease. fibrinolysis astrictiveness fractionizes enterokinase bathhouses foreandaftrigged acenaphthenyl cardinalate baying chicken breast bocher breezefanned dragonwort. brierroot's executive session air curtain chromidiogamy articuleroid's flyblows. exorcist diallelon. clipping bureau aftward equivaluer arolla volta redonda fiddlewaist autoinductive fluffyminded e'en executor's ethyl acetoacetate vallisneria dozy

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