Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Poem inspired from spam mail
From Harvey Cline, subject: Compacter unruly
Dated 4/11/04


Her speech is nonsensical and dry
as the desert floors of Egypt
where the tribesmen pitch their tents.

Her picturesque dissertation
is a storyboard of Flemish motif
with a discordant spin of color
and yet It works
and is glorified.

She embraces the boroughs
of the apprehensive ribald
with perceptive and factual depictions,
making them come alive
before our eyes.

She is the extraordinary artisan,
a prodigy in the making.

She has executed with caution
and deliberateness of hand
the swanlike birds, the rosy crimson flowers,
the sagebrush
in an imaginary land.

She has crept into our somnolent minds
as an allegro
impassioned by the conductor.

She is Camelot
where chivalry reigns,
as she hearkens to the merry enthusiast
with the mind of an adventuress
in the quest of conquering
the unconquerable.

She is our Don Quixote
pursuing the imaginable dream.

She shows us the ways of the warrior Indian
walking with footsteps of silence
through the forest
senses heightened
lest any adversary be present.

She depicts Isadora’s boldness
in dancing spirit
with the synchrony of her soul
in radical defiance
of “Things As They Are”.

She represents the gypsy spirit
with tambourine in hand
clamoring in song and dance
to entice, to allure
to set us free of our inhibitions.

She is the adventurer
The revolutionist
The poet

She is anonymous,
she is the voice of you
and the voice of me

With speech nonsensical and dry
She is the essence of the imagination
The inspiration of our souls

She is…

WORDS used: nonsensical desert Egypt picturesque
Storyboard Flemish discordant spin embraced boroughs
Apprehensive ribald perceptive factual artisan prodigy
Caution deliberate swanlike sagebrush allegro
Impassion Camelot chivalry reigns hearken merry
rosy Tambourine Synchrony soul Indian footprint

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