Sunday, February 01, 2004

We’re starting February off RIGHT with a plethora of raw possibilities!;-)
From: Britney Pollock []
Sent: Friday, January 30, 2004 5:24 PM

Subper chatrge your louve litfe!
Orsder your Vjiagora and Sfupter Vihagdra sabfely and securwely onlisne.

methuen crawl durango coronet materiel continuant eucre quay inexact journalese astor cyst primary gladys calypso influenza boathouse cairn ipso inland cafeteria anthropogenic adventure egghead impeccable selenate dunbar euphoric mollycoddle samuelson genealogy dorset chute afterword barycentric groupoid amphetamine exogenous handwaving cliff avowal ascertain class programmer blithe guildhall sachem cattail mournful sheaf bloat inequitable escape file shiv martini hoofmark fantasia peggy ferment bombast barycentric darn enter avogadro peak amplifier honorarium octahedron homeomorph shaw mugho canyon ephemeral rampage fore clank agile grid babble hardin blythe fedders anthem inequality sawtimber return pokerface duopoly face erasable fidelity headquarters insupportable country azerbaijan condescension considerate area gaulle barth contrivance full horseshoe countrywide phosphorescent fanfare pond episcopal cady blemish passionate seepage buzzword clinging device disparage hellenic contempt apostle corey daffodil endpoint nova io patrolled ascension graywacke quonset author extirpate potato dow firestone raise arcana contrive bergstrom caliber chaplin restive henri codomain biracial decision nucleoli cowbird content biblical connoisseur absenteeism buyer nonce pancreas detent cinquefoil enquire chelate divert fry convulsion dendrite allegory detach lithuania impure aerosol nair membrane judicial oppression incaution hollingsworth customhouse great benz confirm hardin owe epidermic ophiuchus cutler judo fugitive pouch bloodstream existent byrne concubine harrison citation oldster dawson carrot omitted polarograph racket camaraderie benedict ambiance compline pedagogic cosec admissible brookhaven chest annoy plagioclase millet huddle executor galatia artistry foolhardy accelerometer arbitrage cheerful bathos brain enid hawk incursion sedulous eigenspace dogbane boy ought monitor

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