Thursday, January 29, 2004

More raw words preying on some men's BIGGEST fear...

-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Dimmick
Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2004 7:52 AM
Subject: Sweet spam

requisite revolts cohered scoped suspends accepts Raleigh kindly exhaustion regulators rancid splashing inked closest cistern Provence elephant Sicilian aggravates marriage licking interwoven haunts psyche

Here are a few quest1ons for you.
1) How did you c0mpare to the other guyz in the l0cker ro0m?
2) Do you wannt a bigar pen1s?
3) How w0uld y0u 1ike PERMANANT pen1s gr0wth?
N0t 0nly will a 1arger pen1z make you fee1 b.e.t.t.e.r., it will make you look g.r.e.a.t.!
Our pen1z pi1lz make up for what m0ther nature f0rg0t!
Get a m0nthz supp1y and n0t1ce the d1fference!

easement disembowel proclaim demise somnolent powderpuff Garfield occurrence invaded

L1nk y0urself bel0w t0 f1nd 0ut m0re

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