More raw words preying on some men's BIGGEST fear...
-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Dimmick
Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2004 7:52 AM
Subject: Sweet spam
requisite revolts cohered scoped suspends accepts Raleigh kindly exhaustion regulators rancid splashing inked closest cistern Provence elephant Sicilian aggravates marriage licking interwoven haunts psyche
Here are a few quest1ons for you.
1) How did you c0mpare to the other guyz in the l0cker ro0m?
2) Do you wannt a bigar pen1s?
3) How w0uld y0u 1ike PERMANANT pen1s gr0wth?
N0t 0nly will a 1arger pen1z make you fee1 b.e.t.t.e.r., it will make you look g.r.e.a.t.!
Our pen1z pi1lz make up for what m0ther nature f0rg0t!
Get a m0nthz supp1y and n0t1ce the d1fference!
easement disembowel proclaim demise somnolent powderpuff Garfield occurrence invaded
L1nk y0urself bel0w t0 f1nd 0ut m0re
The spamProject began with the idea that the random words generated by spam senders to deflect the attention of spam blockers could be used as a means to reuse the words to offer unanticipated poetic phrases and artistic works.
Thursday, January 29, 2004
A Recipe for Freedom By M. Castlewood I took a long drag off my Marlboro cigarette, and then a liquefying gulp of my whisky, then another g...
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Now for a n e w idea! Let's see if it is possible to create a cohesive collage from the random words on this list. At some point in...
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