Third Poem inspired from Viagra spam mail
Immigration, mythologized
Sanchez shields the gauche
gorgon hireling who aids the
fugitive Athenian orphans, seriatim
through parkland, cavern,
creek and dervish, avoiding
photography and Interpol, they heave
and heighten, ferocious to demolish the
flamboyant hobbyhorse, that concordant
sawbelly commando who repelled the erratic
imperative to emancipate the forlorn academic, and
bully the insubordinate billings abacus into accusatory proscribed submission.
Screw Hercules and the excretory glycerinate falloff. Find Alcestis and her coauthor and let’s get this over with.
Second Poem inspired from Viagra spam mail
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2004 6:34 PM
Subject: A Word from the SPAM Spinster...
Forlorn Billings Photography
“Yet in real life man and nature are entwined in a dynamic dance of development, scarcity, degradation, innovation and substitution.”
--Harold Barnett, Scarcity and Growth the Economics
of Natural Resource Availability
Like a fugitive from the social abacus of reform
Eastern Airlines escaped Wall Street on a gauche hobbyhorse.
The shrieks from its to-the-bone-screw
of Braniff
still haunt the academic caves
of Athenian philosophers
like an orphan Gorgon
seeking to emancipate her two sisters
from the parkland of
accusatory stone.
Could Interpol’s erratic reach
dislodge the ordinary domestic
crimes of corporate
hirelings with
the brushlike
tenacity of disentangling
beggar’s lice
or would it take a dervish
of ferocious
third-party commandos
to act as an excretory aid the
size of Kansas to
empty the
average Dow Jones
The spamProject began with the idea that the random words generated by spam senders to deflect the attention of spam blockers could be used as a means to reuse the words to offer unanticipated poetic phrases and artistic works.
Friday, January 16, 2004
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Now for a n e w idea! Let's see if it is possible to create a cohesive collage from the random words on this list. At some point in...
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