Sunday, February 15, 2004

Inspired from inspirational email that
Initiated the Spam Project


The acid satire of verse, screeching with
poisonous hints of erotica,
excited his passions.

His queerish mind begins plowing the
bounteous terrains of erotic images,
adherent to the foils of
his imagination.

He savors the titillating burning verse
with hushed breath.

His lips and fingers, quiver at the turn
of each alluring page.

He adjourns, and reclines with thoughts
of the sanguinary, of the menials, exhortation,
and sadistic pleasures.

Aroused to the brambles of a rose bush…
as a mattock plunges deep, and deeper
into the fallow earth.

Expunging the idol of the exquisiteness
of pain, and its passions to the
somnolent inhibitor.

His thoughts of erotica begin to explode
in the bowels of his soul.

As scorching tears acidly pour to exculpate his
cupidity of the obscene.

hushed plowing savor satire poisonous screeching acid
idol bowels adherent adjourns brambles menials mattock
sanguinary exhortation bounteous pour exculpate acidly

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