More raw words preying on some men's BIGGEST fear...
-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Dimmick
Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2004 7:52 AM
Subject: Sweet spam
requisite revolts cohered scoped suspends accepts Raleigh kindly exhaustion regulators rancid splashing inked closest cistern Provence elephant Sicilian aggravates marriage licking interwoven haunts psyche
Here are a few quest1ons for you.
1) How did you c0mpare to the other guyz in the l0cker ro0m?
2) Do you wannt a bigar pen1s?
3) How w0uld y0u 1ike PERMANANT pen1s gr0wth?
N0t 0nly will a 1arger pen1z make you fee1 b.e.t.t.e.r., it will make you look g.r.e.a.t.!
Our pen1z pi1lz make up for what m0ther nature f0rg0t!
Get a m0nthz supp1y and n0t1ce the d1fference!
easement disembowel proclaim demise somnolent powderpuff Garfield occurrence invaded
L1nk y0urself bel0w t0 f1nd 0ut m0re
The spamProject began with the idea that the random words generated by spam senders to deflect the attention of spam blockers could be used as a means to reuse the words to offer unanticipated poetic phrases and artistic works.
Thursday, January 29, 2004
Tuesday, January 27, 2004
Viagra STRIKES Again! Raw words of the Day
From: Clare Merritt []
Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2004 6:17 AM
Subject: cheryl envious clausen maria regalia
Genierc and Super Viarga (Caiils) available online!
Most trusted online source!
Cilais or (Spuer Vagira)
takes affect right away & lasts 24-36 hours!
Genierc Virgaa
costs 60% less! save a lot of $.
Both products shipped discretely to your door
alexandra ervin epa bobby concatenate sauterne duke catatonia nineteenth ram gerald plankton fur harrisburg impulsive ambrose decode bloke minuet bittern boatyard chicago commingle flub haag mutandis fenton fishermen calgary nobody crud downright handel knew dormant presume imperate eyeglass extravaganza apse disperse capacious glenda constantine counterfeit roughshod crucial geoduck freeing johnny recipe carroll norwegian penmen ideology homeland improvident been fork adduce contemplate alcmena frighten alike coffee courtroom luftwaffe european cowpunch frown fluke incandescent contradictory adversary audrey grub hydrogen douglass humboldt death poodle fiducial incense brookline impelled inc arrange opiate approbation ebullient churchman marco flung paintbrush bulwark dna auerbach debugged ashtray creditor lombard liquefy gulp blonde flagpole carey hellebore irrelevancy hem fleabane gauguin guernsey crude fireproof nielsen axiomatic flung labour alga monocular determine benson depreciate chairperson fantod illumine decadent regatta absolute doorbell cytochemistry bufflehead ejector honeymoon congressmen appropriable choreography contributory football calumet bewhisker hazel breadth embryo peripatetic hubbell cochineal casual argus adept gist attack dec chop feign adjectival georgetown footstep adriatic alumnae downhill junco hen accost illuminate guerrilla honorific bateau obligatory finch alcott fed finish diagonal frequent belgrade kiddie glove depressor carpathia insecure lilliputian consult painstaking herself authentic elute shatterproof advantage flautist platinum despoil august removal expressive gnat dutton epaulet americanism schantz escapade finley militate brew bunk decisive accurate indignation abet health low apportion corduroy seraglio accident protector incest adject debacle lysenko recline aforethought marvin citrate feedback leonid ingest executive blum auto carburetor disc hathaway howdy gail influx baseline ken lachesis celsius forgetting depletion phosphorylate sensorimotor dalzell ribald offensive chantilly ecclesiastic humidistat disposable bujumbura shay clump neurotic gambia chablis showmen essence firewood karp
Poem generated from spam mail delivered on 1/23/04
Moving clockwise through life
the course curriculum is a passive soliloquy
and you’re the only one in the room.
Noone wants to that scarlet morning hello,
delivered with Glee
even if it was sincere
.. It’s not…
Clockwise. Hear the squeaky gear cry out against the suzerain?
Pushing backward?
What is it that makes that wheel squeak when it turns just like it was supposed to?
So what is it, that constitutes registered right
constitutes correct
That lopes in unchallenged and fabricates those pedestrian rules
That tell the wheel it doesn’t squeak
...It does…
Didn’t you know?
The jitterbug isn’t even a dance in a patristic universe
From: Catherine Hyatt
Sent: Friday, January 23, 2004 11:27 AM
To: Jason Dimmick; Paula DiTallo
Subject: Computer Poem of the day
lactate jackson determinant buckeye squeaky backstitch edwards sepoy contain soliloquy gape passband clockwise ehrlich adenosine novo jitterbug hello glee suzerainty scarlet sincere lope constitute patristic course curriculum lucas registry
From: Clare Merritt []
Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2004 6:17 AM
Subject: cheryl envious clausen maria regalia
Genierc and Super Viarga (Caiils) available online!
Most trusted online source!
Cilais or (Spuer Vagira)
takes affect right away & lasts 24-36 hours!
Genierc Virgaa
costs 60% less! save a lot of $.
Both products shipped discretely to your door
alexandra ervin epa bobby concatenate sauterne duke catatonia nineteenth ram gerald plankton fur harrisburg impulsive ambrose decode bloke minuet bittern boatyard chicago commingle flub haag mutandis fenton fishermen calgary nobody crud downright handel knew dormant presume imperate eyeglass extravaganza apse disperse capacious glenda constantine counterfeit roughshod crucial geoduck freeing johnny recipe carroll norwegian penmen ideology homeland improvident been fork adduce contemplate alcmena frighten alike coffee courtroom luftwaffe european cowpunch frown fluke incandescent contradictory adversary audrey grub hydrogen douglass humboldt death poodle fiducial incense brookline impelled inc arrange opiate approbation ebullient churchman marco flung paintbrush bulwark dna auerbach debugged ashtray creditor lombard liquefy gulp blonde flagpole carey hellebore irrelevancy hem fleabane gauguin guernsey crude fireproof nielsen axiomatic flung labour alga monocular determine benson depreciate chairperson fantod illumine decadent regatta absolute doorbell cytochemistry bufflehead ejector honeymoon congressmen appropriable choreography contributory football calumet bewhisker hazel breadth embryo peripatetic hubbell cochineal casual argus adept gist attack dec chop feign adjectival georgetown footstep adriatic alumnae downhill junco hen accost illuminate guerrilla honorific bateau obligatory finch alcott fed finish diagonal frequent belgrade kiddie glove depressor carpathia insecure lilliputian consult painstaking herself authentic elute shatterproof advantage flautist platinum despoil august removal expressive gnat dutton epaulet americanism schantz escapade finley militate brew bunk decisive accurate indignation abet health low apportion corduroy seraglio accident protector incest adject debacle lysenko recline aforethought marvin citrate feedback leonid ingest executive blum auto carburetor disc hathaway howdy gail influx baseline ken lachesis celsius forgetting depletion phosphorylate sensorimotor dalzell ribald offensive chantilly ecclesiastic humidistat disposable bujumbura shay clump neurotic gambia chablis showmen essence firewood karp
Poem generated from spam mail delivered on 1/23/04
Moving clockwise through life
the course curriculum is a passive soliloquy
and you’re the only one in the room.
Noone wants to that scarlet morning hello,
delivered with Glee
even if it was sincere
.. It’s not…
Clockwise. Hear the squeaky gear cry out against the suzerain?
Pushing backward?
What is it that makes that wheel squeak when it turns just like it was supposed to?
So what is it, that constitutes registered right
constitutes correct
That lopes in unchallenged and fabricates those pedestrian rules
That tell the wheel it doesn’t squeak
...It does…
Didn’t you know?
The jitterbug isn’t even a dance in a patristic universe
From: Catherine Hyatt
Sent: Friday, January 23, 2004 11:27 AM
To: Jason Dimmick; Paula DiTallo
Subject: Computer Poem of the day
lactate jackson determinant buckeye squeaky backstitch edwards sepoy contain soliloquy gape passband clockwise ehrlich adenosine novo jitterbug hello glee suzerainty scarlet sincere lope constitute patristic course curriculum lucas registry
Monday, January 26, 2004
spam mail raw words of the day 1/26/2004
From: Amber []
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2004 5:25 AM
To: Jason Dimmick
Subject: Re: LMXO, word dramlit' might
Free Cable& TV
irremediable stinkpot dilatation epigenetic causal accreditation crayfish tapa blunder foam tog obese inhabit hopscotch gelable spacious corpuscular whatley dallas typhoon wham codebreak infest excommunicate handicraftsman chap mash sepuchral detestation matriarch magnesium board angle coliform situs cupid express importune hypochlorite desecrater troglodyte sinter seventy repository catharsis dodd hong tumble otiose bucolic nutritive tribal strangle yeager felonious schema
From: Amber []
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2004 5:25 AM
To: Jason Dimmick
Subject: Re: LMXO, word dramlit' might
Free Cable& TV
irremediable stinkpot dilatation epigenetic causal accreditation crayfish tapa blunder foam tog obese inhabit hopscotch gelable spacious corpuscular whatley dallas typhoon wham codebreak infest excommunicate handicraftsman chap mash sepuchral detestation matriarch magnesium board angle coliform situs cupid express importune hypochlorite desecrater troglodyte sinter seventy repository catharsis dodd hong tumble otiose bucolic nutritive tribal strangle yeager felonious schema
Friday, January 23, 2004
Poem generated from 1/12/04 spam mail
I'm telling you his spirit was as bright as lanternlight.
He was a Pall Mall cowboy riding roughshod in the reverie of cowpony pals over the clinical terrain of neuroses and transferral, his intuition for psychosis a cyclopean oscilloscope, his need for a smoke twice as keen.
In his head, the constant clang of munitions and hallucination was the clattery click of hooves on a horse-drawn coupe.
He lived for a month comprehensively isolated in an underground bomb shelter by invitation from the boys in DC.
He emerged with the foulest of fever telling non-sensical stories about Chief Joseph in a Sherman tank with a pyroelectric peace pipe, writing grocery lists in elegiac. Memos in haiku.
He plowed like a eucalyptus crazed koala through disputes both foreign and domestic until the chemochemicals ran thick through him like rancid rivers and the biharmonic hum of his manmade voice box dulled. And the spiky lines of the electroencephalography gave way to a carefree flatline.
I'm telling you his spirit was as bright as lanternlight but you won't see that now in the plastic shine of each mauve cheek, with eyes once wide as cyclotomic zeroes closed in that devout pout.
Goddamned morticians
From: DiTallo, Paula
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2004 9:03 PM
Subject: ...and another thing to think about....from the promoters of Viagra...
mortician domestic zeroes biharmonic elegiac equipping sherman demote lantern condiment cheek esteem mauve interpolant conscientious dress fiction aurelius patent pawtucket carefree bombproof transferral clattery pyroelectric coupe koala cyclotomic oscilloscope mans crib christmas devout foul cowpony comprehensive chauncey roy lung dc pout electroencephalography inherit upriver rancid
I'm telling you his spirit was as bright as lanternlight.
He was a Pall Mall cowboy riding roughshod in the reverie of cowpony pals over the clinical terrain of neuroses and transferral, his intuition for psychosis a cyclopean oscilloscope, his need for a smoke twice as keen.
In his head, the constant clang of munitions and hallucination was the clattery click of hooves on a horse-drawn coupe.
He lived for a month comprehensively isolated in an underground bomb shelter by invitation from the boys in DC.
He emerged with the foulest of fever telling non-sensical stories about Chief Joseph in a Sherman tank with a pyroelectric peace pipe, writing grocery lists in elegiac. Memos in haiku.
He plowed like a eucalyptus crazed koala through disputes both foreign and domestic until the chemochemicals ran thick through him like rancid rivers and the biharmonic hum of his manmade voice box dulled. And the spiky lines of the electroencephalography gave way to a carefree flatline.
I'm telling you his spirit was as bright as lanternlight but you won't see that now in the plastic shine of each mauve cheek, with eyes once wide as cyclotomic zeroes closed in that devout pout.
Goddamned morticians
From: DiTallo, Paula
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2004 9:03 PM
Subject: ...and another thing to think about....from the promoters of Viagra...
mortician domestic zeroes biharmonic elegiac equipping sherman demote lantern condiment cheek esteem mauve interpolant conscientious dress fiction aurelius patent pawtucket carefree bombproof transferral clattery pyroelectric coupe koala cyclotomic oscilloscope mans crib christmas devout foul cowpony comprehensive chauncey roy lung dc pout electroencephalography inherit upriver rancid
Sunday, January 18, 2004
Poem from Steve Stone's spam email
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2004 6:05 PM
Subject: Freud and Ashcroft in spam Country
dear sigmund,
you know what? envy schmenvy and
you can kiss my bryophyta. how much
coke did you smoke, anyway?
your good sense fell casualty to the perils
of alkaloid erosion, like our civil rights to that
eavesdrop hessian and his patriot act.
ahh, well. from conception to fanout ,
and through our A&E biography, we all
march to the beat of a different doldrum.
sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, and i forgive you.
now, come here and let me spank you.
i mean, give me a light.
tippy logistic
spam mail sent from Steve Stone
From: Steve Stone
Sent: Sunday, January 11, 2004 9:57 AM
Subject: Stuff
casualty coke bryophyta conception doldrum hessian erosion biography logistic sigmund eavesdrop fanout
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2004 6:05 PM
Subject: Freud and Ashcroft in spam Country
dear sigmund,
you know what? envy schmenvy and
you can kiss my bryophyta. how much
coke did you smoke, anyway?
your good sense fell casualty to the perils
of alkaloid erosion, like our civil rights to that
eavesdrop hessian and his patriot act.
ahh, well. from conception to fanout ,
and through our A&E biography, we all
march to the beat of a different doldrum.
sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, and i forgive you.
now, come here and let me spank you.
i mean, give me a light.
tippy logistic
spam mail sent from Steve Stone
From: Steve Stone
Sent: Sunday, January 11, 2004 9:57 AM
Subject: Stuff
casualty coke bryophyta conception doldrum hessian erosion biography logistic sigmund eavesdrop fanout
Saturday, January 17, 2004
Second Poem Inspired from Free Cable TV spam
Sent: Friday, January 16, 2004 4:29 PM
Subject: Plea from the Pharmacology...
A Plea from the Pharmacology Status Quo: What the Hell?
How about swallowing an
indiscriminant chaw of
diatomaceous pill grit,
Ms. D.?
Yes, it may lacerate your liver
until you implode with
a gallstone
comprised of more daffodil yellow
bile than the insoluble
crimson cocoa
our stool stoppers
left in your
which you
will forfeit, by the way, after
struggling to fund
a few hundred
refills of a consecrated
Journal of American Medical Association
henequen cocktail--
But what the Hell?
Our adult diapers
are some of the best
What? You refuse to ask your doctor about
our line of crayola-colored pills?
What kind of psychopathic prophesy is this?
Maybe you’re trying to write an
armload of bestsellers about us!
Maybe you’re a Cossack warlord left
over from the Cold War days!
Our academicians can knit a benzoquinone ring
special, just for you!
Would you like to audition for us, bella?
First Poem Inspired from Free Cable TV spam mail
From: Catherine Hyatt
Sent: Friday, January 16, 2004 6:07 PM
To: Paula DiTallo
Subject: Mine never have titles.
Crosby Stills and Nash playing on the Bose Acoustic Wave radio
A maple Bella Wood floor -- just shining
Cocoa and lemon meringue await down the hall
After the dinner of a lean slice of meat.
(It’s a genuine oriental rug in the hall, and oh! those tasteful candlesticks on the table--
from Bangladesh-- right beside the bestseller.)
What discriminating taste.
A daffodil contraption,
Each element consecrated by the ones who know,
Heard like prophets the ones who judge,
Who decant their glossy wisdom
In the pages of properly named magazines
With properly tepid articles on the joys of knits.
Who is it, transmitting to them alone this batch of inveterate truths?
Is there a dank corner, somewhere in there where you refused the forfeiture of your mind, and rebel the odious repertoire?
Give it a try.
Come on,
go ahead.
Put a bouquet of henequen beside the armchair.
Such courage! You covered your couch in horsehair.
Sent: Friday, January 16, 2004 2:55 PM
Subject: Today's SPAM Infusion from a "Free Cable TV ad"...
ok, let's see what we can do with these...
---------------------------------------- Raw Words ---------------------
elucidate knuckle diatomaceous chaw implode pharmacology ouvre sweetish academician quo consecrate bangladesh herpes bias resent batch crimson phobic prophesy discriminant armload daffodil contraption meringue cocoa gnomon for leghorn diffract conductance chelate cotyledon decant bestseller demagnify soluble cdc flagler gallstone digress diaper forfeiture name cossack mcnulty proserpine systematic dank candlestick henequen deluge horsehair transmitting decontrol samba convolution oriental carroll lean bundoora leonid pittston audition designate jill watchband borne crosby attributive knit courage bella repertoire prophesy psychopathic odious curtis goodwin
Sent: Friday, January 16, 2004 4:29 PM
Subject: Plea from the Pharmacology...
A Plea from the Pharmacology Status Quo: What the Hell?
How about swallowing an
indiscriminant chaw of
diatomaceous pill grit,
Ms. D.?
Yes, it may lacerate your liver
until you implode with
a gallstone
comprised of more daffodil yellow
bile than the insoluble
crimson cocoa
our stool stoppers
left in your
which you
will forfeit, by the way, after
struggling to fund
a few hundred
refills of a consecrated
Journal of American Medical Association
henequen cocktail--
But what the Hell?
Our adult diapers
are some of the best
What? You refuse to ask your doctor about
our line of crayola-colored pills?
What kind of psychopathic prophesy is this?
Maybe you’re trying to write an
armload of bestsellers about us!
Maybe you’re a Cossack warlord left
over from the Cold War days!
Our academicians can knit a benzoquinone ring
special, just for you!
Would you like to audition for us, bella?
First Poem Inspired from Free Cable TV spam mail
From: Catherine Hyatt
Sent: Friday, January 16, 2004 6:07 PM
To: Paula DiTallo
Subject: Mine never have titles.
Crosby Stills and Nash playing on the Bose Acoustic Wave radio
A maple Bella Wood floor -- just shining
Cocoa and lemon meringue await down the hall
After the dinner of a lean slice of meat.
(It’s a genuine oriental rug in the hall, and oh! those tasteful candlesticks on the table--
from Bangladesh-- right beside the bestseller.)
What discriminating taste.
A daffodil contraption,
Each element consecrated by the ones who know,
Heard like prophets the ones who judge,
Who decant their glossy wisdom
In the pages of properly named magazines
With properly tepid articles on the joys of knits.
Who is it, transmitting to them alone this batch of inveterate truths?
Is there a dank corner, somewhere in there where you refused the forfeiture of your mind, and rebel the odious repertoire?
Give it a try.
Come on,
go ahead.
Put a bouquet of henequen beside the armchair.
Such courage! You covered your couch in horsehair.
Sent: Friday, January 16, 2004 2:55 PM
Subject: Today's SPAM Infusion from a "Free Cable TV ad"...
ok, let's see what we can do with these...
---------------------------------------- Raw Words ---------------------
elucidate knuckle diatomaceous chaw implode pharmacology ouvre sweetish academician quo consecrate bangladesh herpes bias resent batch crimson phobic prophesy discriminant armload daffodil contraption meringue cocoa gnomon for leghorn diffract conductance chelate cotyledon decant bestseller demagnify soluble cdc flagler gallstone digress diaper forfeiture name cossack mcnulty proserpine systematic dank candlestick henequen deluge horsehair transmitting decontrol samba convolution oriental carroll lean bundoora leonid pittston audition designate jill watchband borne crosby attributive knit courage bella repertoire prophesy psychopathic odious curtis goodwin
Friday, January 16, 2004
Third Poem inspired from Viagra spam mail
Immigration, mythologized
Sanchez shields the gauche
gorgon hireling who aids the
fugitive Athenian orphans, seriatim
through parkland, cavern,
creek and dervish, avoiding
photography and Interpol, they heave
and heighten, ferocious to demolish the
flamboyant hobbyhorse, that concordant
sawbelly commando who repelled the erratic
imperative to emancipate the forlorn academic, and
bully the insubordinate billings abacus into accusatory proscribed submission.
Screw Hercules and the excretory glycerinate falloff. Find Alcestis and her coauthor and let’s get this over with.
Second Poem inspired from Viagra spam mail
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2004 6:34 PM
Subject: A Word from the SPAM Spinster...
Forlorn Billings Photography
“Yet in real life man and nature are entwined in a dynamic dance of development, scarcity, degradation, innovation and substitution.”
--Harold Barnett, Scarcity and Growth the Economics
of Natural Resource Availability
Like a fugitive from the social abacus of reform
Eastern Airlines escaped Wall Street on a gauche hobbyhorse.
The shrieks from its to-the-bone-screw
of Braniff
still haunt the academic caves
of Athenian philosophers
like an orphan Gorgon
seeking to emancipate her two sisters
from the parkland of
accusatory stone.
Could Interpol’s erratic reach
dislodge the ordinary domestic
crimes of corporate
hirelings with
the brushlike
tenacity of disentangling
beggar’s lice
or would it take a dervish
of ferocious
third-party commandos
to act as an excretory aid the
size of Kansas to
empty the
average Dow Jones
Immigration, mythologized
Sanchez shields the gauche
gorgon hireling who aids the
fugitive Athenian orphans, seriatim
through parkland, cavern,
creek and dervish, avoiding
photography and Interpol, they heave
and heighten, ferocious to demolish the
flamboyant hobbyhorse, that concordant
sawbelly commando who repelled the erratic
imperative to emancipate the forlorn academic, and
bully the insubordinate billings abacus into accusatory proscribed submission.
Screw Hercules and the excretory glycerinate falloff. Find Alcestis and her coauthor and let’s get this over with.
Second Poem inspired from Viagra spam mail
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2004 6:34 PM
Subject: A Word from the SPAM Spinster...
Forlorn Billings Photography
“Yet in real life man and nature are entwined in a dynamic dance of development, scarcity, degradation, innovation and substitution.”
--Harold Barnett, Scarcity and Growth the Economics
of Natural Resource Availability
Like a fugitive from the social abacus of reform
Eastern Airlines escaped Wall Street on a gauche hobbyhorse.
The shrieks from its to-the-bone-screw
of Braniff
still haunt the academic caves
of Athenian philosophers
like an orphan Gorgon
seeking to emancipate her two sisters
from the parkland of
accusatory stone.
Could Interpol’s erratic reach
dislodge the ordinary domestic
crimes of corporate
hirelings with
the brushlike
tenacity of disentangling
beggar’s lice
or would it take a dervish
of ferocious
third-party commandos
to act as an excretory aid the
size of Kansas to
empty the
average Dow Jones
Tuesday, January 13, 2004
Poem inspired from Viagra spam mail
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2004 3:16 PM
Subject: Good Catechism
good catechism
for P.McN.
A phone call from you is as
erratic as a delta-based algorithm.
I hear your words.
Another conviction.
You know as well as I do that the
Cook County jailhouse
is hardly a haven of Honolulu investigators
driving red Ferraris—
It’s more like a port-of-call for
Cicero’s unemployed bricklaying Billies—
One stacked against the other
in Nashville-gloom jumps.
You know all about gridirons
and passing through chinquapin hoops.
What? You don’t understand?
I know you speak south-side Latin, mommy!
Forget Euripides! Forget the prosody of
middleclass comforts!
As long as you keep booking
those illicit opium flights
and sailing on those
booze barges,
you’ll be seen as another excisable bum,
another loudspeaking cog—
just a part of the plebian pathology
the quadrennial conservators of
our dichotomized
inspire lawmen
to eradicate.
It’s all about altitude and attitude, mommy!
Falconry and Heinz 57!
I know we've covered this before.
What? You don't believe me, mommy?
Then Go Ask Alice—
She’ll reciprocate with a
buffet of periwinkles,
which isn’t something
you can eat--but you can sure take in.
In the near decade I’ve known you,
You’ve needed an audience.
One hamlet to travel was never enough.
This is the ritual insanity of your romances—
Now, several banquets later,
you have an
ad gratis bellyache.
In your bathrobe,
your body will
take you on an adsorptive
pilgrimage through
a storm of
oviform dewdrops
In your kitchen,
you will hackle your body
into an
oceanic convulsion.
will cost you
some real
coins, mommy!
A real earthmove—
for such a single bucket!
What? You don’t like what I’m telling you, mommy?
It ain’t nothin’ but good catechism.
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2004 3:16 PM
Subject: Good Catechism
good catechism
for P.McN.
A phone call from you is as
erratic as a delta-based algorithm.
I hear your words.
Another conviction.
You know as well as I do that the
Cook County jailhouse
is hardly a haven of Honolulu investigators
driving red Ferraris—
It’s more like a port-of-call for
Cicero’s unemployed bricklaying Billies—
One stacked against the other
in Nashville-gloom jumps.
You know all about gridirons
and passing through chinquapin hoops.
What? You don’t understand?
I know you speak south-side Latin, mommy!
Forget Euripides! Forget the prosody of
middleclass comforts!
As long as you keep booking
those illicit opium flights
and sailing on those
booze barges,
you’ll be seen as another excisable bum,
another loudspeaking cog—
just a part of the plebian pathology
the quadrennial conservators of
our dichotomized
inspire lawmen
to eradicate.
It’s all about altitude and attitude, mommy!
Falconry and Heinz 57!
I know we've covered this before.
What? You don't believe me, mommy?
Then Go Ask Alice—
She’ll reciprocate with a
buffet of periwinkles,
which isn’t something
you can eat--but you can sure take in.
In the near decade I’ve known you,
You’ve needed an audience.
One hamlet to travel was never enough.
This is the ritual insanity of your romances—
Now, several banquets later,
you have an
ad gratis bellyache.
In your bathrobe,
your body will
take you on an adsorptive
pilgrimage through
a storm of
oviform dewdrops
In your kitchen,
you will hackle your body
into an
oceanic convulsion.
will cost you
some real
coins, mommy!
A real earthmove—
for such a single bucket!
What? You don’t like what I’m telling you, mommy?
It ain’t nothin’ but good catechism.
Monday, January 12, 2004
Viagra spam mail
From: Steve Stone
Sent: Friday, January 09, 2004 5:02 PM
Subject: Viagra
loudspeaking illicit befit oceanic romance gorham plod convulse compelled id markham coon divorce nashville ritual insane callahan gladden gloom gage antoinette chinquapin des severalfold cog opium altitude adverse falconry quito conservation berniece bellyache algorithmic jackson gratis sixty crosspoint guiding conservator harold plebian amble pathology drove euripides flagler auspicious prosody erratic martin delta honolulu heinz crosby lawmen frame boeotian phalarope alice reciprocate relinquish beckman levin hoop gorham colatitude hamlet acclamation dichotomize audience cuny huck oviform amid pessimum bathrobe dewdrop accelerometer bricklaying billie pilgrimage gridiron hackle earthmove flight lars propitious capsule bragg bucket adsorptive good catechism raccoon allowance buffet periwinkle boo sanatorium coin quadrennial insoluble bum excisable drury depose rhombi gentility anorthite coleridge declare kenneth acerbity furniture chancery elliot miscegenation mountainous instantaneous additive mullah approximable confidante attestation demur downplay atonal andy methodism napkin fleabane erasable insufficient eurydice brushlike avoid dodd academic forlorn carrie caleb gauche coauthor fugitive christy abacus creek commando ferocious concordant advertise cavern demolish session proscribe accusatory height orphan insinuate seriatim braniff bully interpol parkland sanchez shields flamboyant emancipate alcestis nicety amaze cave erratic gorgon physiology amount bespeak glycerinate sawbelly lahore annal hopkins elijah hireling eyeglass barnett hobbyhorse dervish billings heave berg insubordinate kansas scare handset imperative screw bstj falloff athenian bed novo repelled indirect bone excretory aid photography
From: Steve Stone
Sent: Friday, January 09, 2004 5:02 PM
Subject: Viagra
loudspeaking illicit befit oceanic romance gorham plod convulse compelled id markham coon divorce nashville ritual insane callahan gladden gloom gage antoinette chinquapin des severalfold cog opium altitude adverse falconry quito conservation berniece bellyache algorithmic jackson gratis sixty crosspoint guiding conservator harold plebian amble pathology drove euripides flagler auspicious prosody erratic martin delta honolulu heinz crosby lawmen frame boeotian phalarope alice reciprocate relinquish beckman levin hoop gorham colatitude hamlet acclamation dichotomize audience cuny huck oviform amid pessimum bathrobe dewdrop accelerometer bricklaying billie pilgrimage gridiron hackle earthmove flight lars propitious capsule bragg bucket adsorptive good catechism raccoon allowance buffet periwinkle boo sanatorium coin quadrennial insoluble bum excisable drury depose rhombi gentility anorthite coleridge declare kenneth acerbity furniture chancery elliot miscegenation mountainous instantaneous additive mullah approximable confidante attestation demur downplay atonal andy methodism napkin fleabane erasable insufficient eurydice brushlike avoid dodd academic forlorn carrie caleb gauche coauthor fugitive christy abacus creek commando ferocious concordant advertise cavern demolish session proscribe accusatory height orphan insinuate seriatim braniff bully interpol parkland sanchez shields flamboyant emancipate alcestis nicety amaze cave erratic gorgon physiology amount bespeak glycerinate sawbelly lahore annal hopkins elijah hireling eyeglass barnett hobbyhorse dervish billings heave berg insubordinate kansas scare handset imperative screw bstj falloff athenian bed novo repelled indirect bone excretory aid photography
Sunday, January 11, 2004
The Third Poem inspired by the 1/9/04 spam mail
update 1: farley notebooks
snorted? no.
abuses? additivity in gracious vanes.
heroines omnibus? hypodermic sauces.
method? silken blackouts commonly shutout ballistic glamour networks,
and culminate in a fishkill brawl
with whaling and gnashing of teeth.
advantages? (even the deafest overhear the decedent mumble) "forcible manpower from the welfare obsoletes".
til death do us part
update 2: riley bilbao followings
the king of blues has glaucoma.
treating for arthritis, accoustics freeze and he can't pick up lucille.
knutsen lifter? no, he can't.
can susanne? culler and ask her to make the steeled strings lighter.
with clamps or string?, quizzed the twiner.
The Second Poem inspired by the 1/9/04 spam mail
Spiral Bound
for Susanne and Lucille
Gracious steeled veins hooked in
--notebook mouths--
mumble like hypodermic networks
through Oslo's architectural twine--
The obsolescence of Knudsen's era overhears
the wailing explode--
decedent acoustics
blackout then
freeze the palms in Bilbao,
in Miami--
with ice-clamps and with ice-hooks--
updates of advantages,
ballistic fishkills of abuses
cullers of advantages,
sauces of abuses,
power ,
like glaucoma snorted cataracts;
weaving silken cocoons
for the deafest
update 1: farley notebooks
snorted? no.
abuses? additivity in gracious vanes.
heroines omnibus? hypodermic sauces.
method? silken blackouts commonly shutout ballistic glamour networks,
and culminate in a fishkill brawl
with whaling and gnashing of teeth.
advantages? (even the deafest overhear the decedent mumble) "forcible manpower from the welfare obsoletes".
til death do us part
update 2: riley bilbao followings
the king of blues has glaucoma.
treating for arthritis, accoustics freeze and he can't pick up lucille.
knutsen lifter? no, he can't.
can susanne? culler and ask her to make the steeled strings lighter.
with clamps or string?, quizzed the twiner.
The Second Poem inspired by the 1/9/04 spam mail
Spiral Bound
for Susanne and Lucille
Gracious steeled veins hooked in
--notebook mouths--
mumble like hypodermic networks
through Oslo's architectural twine--
The obsolescence of Knudsen's era overhears
the wailing explode--
decedent acoustics
blackout then
freeze the palms in Bilbao,
in Miami--
with ice-clamps and with ice-hooks--
updates of advantages,
ballistic fishkills of abuses
cullers of advantages,
sauces of abuses,
power ,
like glaucoma snorted cataracts;
weaving silken cocoons
for the deafest
Saturday, January 10, 2004
First Poem: Inspired by Jan 9th spam mail
From: Catherine Hyatt
Sent: Friday, January 09, 2004 4:30 PM
Subject: This is the best I can do without being here all night.
Even the deafest overhear decadent abuses.
Ballistic whispers
Hypodermic kisses
Forcible glamour
explode in a silken mumble.
Steeled vanity,
treating itself to every moment belonging to the commonly gracious.
Remaining obsoletes steal advantages from shutout heroines.
A brawl, culminating in a saucy freeze clamps down on glaucoma veins.
Dirty notebooks
Tired networks
Hollow acoustics
Omnibus bills.
Welfare Followings.
Go ahead. Update me.
From: Catherine Hyatt
Sent: Friday, January 09, 2004 4:30 PM
Subject: This is the best I can do without being here all night.
Even the deafest overhear decadent abuses.
Ballistic whispers
Hypodermic kisses
Forcible glamour
explode in a silken mumble.
Steeled vanity,
treating itself to every moment belonging to the commonly gracious.
Remaining obsoletes steal advantages from shutout heroines.
A brawl, culminating in a saucy freeze clamps down on glaucoma veins.
Dirty notebooks
Tired networks
Hollow acoustics
Omnibus bills.
Welfare Followings.
Go ahead. Update me.
Friday, January 09, 2004
The second email which fostered the first set of spam-inspired poems:
From: Jason Dimmick
Sent: Friday, January 09, 2004 9:47 AM
To: Catherine Hyatt; Paula DiTallo; Steve Stone
Subject: I think I may make a book of these AI Poems
notebooks steeled vanes Farley gracious overhear mumble networks whaling explode amain hypodermic Bilbao update decedent acoustics additivity sauces freeze omnibus deafest snorted ballistic clamps abuses blackoutscommonly Knutsen quizzed shutout advantages manpower forcible glamour culler Fishkillheroines lifter Susanne brawl culminate Lucille silken glaucomaobsoletes twiner treating welfare followings.
From: Jason Dimmick
Sent: Friday, January 09, 2004 9:47 AM
To: Catherine Hyatt; Paula DiTallo; Steve Stone
Subject: I think I may make a book of these AI Poems
notebooks steeled vanes Farley gracious overhear mumble networks whaling explode amain hypodermic Bilbao update decedent acoustics additivity sauces freeze omnibus deafest snorted ballistic clamps abuses blackoutscommonly Knutsen quizzed shutout advantages manpower forcible glamour culler Fishkillheroines lifter Susanne brawl culminate Lucille silken glaucomaobsoletes twiner treating welfare followings.
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