Sunday, May 15, 2005

Once again, our friends in the drug distribution business are always willing to help us along in our project!;-)

Here are some market fresh words from a Viagra ad:

supplicate thermal lay max sheen accelerate carney loudspeak trailhead guffaw laze chinook creon starch meritorious privilege feint off cautionary vouchsafe cranky mothball steer martyr airspeed jitterbugging rangeland doberman luminescent familiarly flown picnicking duct eastern rebelled bianco chestnut here tonic premeditate angus stood smokehouse luxury obese bayonet counterbalance reclamation ineffable clubroom demitted mange carburetor tact enter pierson twentieth miscellany operon angry carnal drake cosmopolitan wasteland industry charge initial cowgirl impugn soft meetinghouse covert reindeer subsume rend chateaux bicep women drastic cramer bookish horticulture amalgam ambrosia averred thomas supercilious bride cheetah encroach case artie slovakia brim wove chilblain decompile abridgment postpone scoundrel visual classmate hath airstrip turnoff barbarism impeccable resumption determinant

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